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A new Red Dead Online leak is making the rounds that possibly reveals what is coming to the popular video game later this year. Since it released Red Dead Online in Beta a month after Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games has been relatively slow to support it, especially compared to GTA Online, which clearly has priority due to its larger number of players. However, it looks like Rockstar may be cooking up some big things for the online western such as bank robberies and more
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Over on YouTube, Silentc0re relays word of some new files added to the game with the recent update. Of course, this by itself isn't notable nor exciting, but the content of these files have players talking. For one, brand new files for various driveable boats have been found in the files. Meanwhile, there are files that range from new to newly updated that point to bank robberies coming to the game, including files with assets for money bonds, jewelry bags, safes, strong boxes. Of course, bank robberies are something players have been begging for since launch, and it's something you'd assume Rockstar Games will eventually add, especially considering how popular heists are in GTA Online.
Lastly, there are files that seem to indicate that Rockstar Games has been doing work involving Guarma, the island from the game's campaign. Right now, the speculation is that a legendary bounty could take players back to the island, much like the Cayo Perico update takes players to an island that is locked to just the mission.
That said, right now, there's some contention over the leak, with some suggesting these files have been in the game since before launch, which in turn suggests they are nothing more than cut content. However, this wouldn't explain why Rockstar Games is updating them.
For now, take everything here with a grain of salt. While datamining leaks are typically quite reliable, they can routinely spawn false conclusions and misconceptions.

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At the moment of publishing, Rockstar Games has not commented on this leak in any capacity nor has it revealed what it has in store for the game for this year. If either of these things change, we will be sure to update the story. In the meantime, for more coverage on all things Red Dead Redemption 2, click here.