Roulette Counter

The Roulette Tracker is simply a tool to record the numbers that are hit during an online European Roulette game and, in conjunction with the Stake Calculator, it will help you to manage your betting, increase your profits and make you a more consistent player. The Stake Calculator currently only applies to games that have a minimum stake amount of 0.01 units of currency. These games are always better to play because it is cheaper to recover any losses. After spinning the wheel on the game you are playing, click on the resulting number on the roulette table above. This will register the hit in the Counter Grid below it, highlight the number in the Frequency Order table and update the scrollable Game History table.

  1. Strat Roulette Counter Strike
  2. Roulette Number Counter
  3. Roulette Counter App
  4. Blackjack Counter
  5. Blackjack Counter Software
  6. Blackjack Counter Basic Strategy

If you make a mistake by clicking on the wrong number, simply click on the undo last spin button and then click the correct number. You can undo as many spins as you like. You can start from scratch by clicking the Clear button on the Counter Grid or at the bottom of the Frequency Order table.

Frequency Order

These games are always better to play because it is cheaper to recover any losses. After spinning the wheel on the game you are playing, click on the resulting number on the roulette table above. This will register the hit in the Counter Grid below it, highlight the number in the Frequency Order table and update the scrollable Game History table. is the top CSGO Gambling website 2019! Deposit and withdraw your favorite CS:GO Skins today and play roulette, crash, and dice now! Also accept VGO skins!

The Frequency Order table shows the roulette numbers in their order of frequency. Number 18 has the highest frequency, 35 the 2nd highest, 25 the 3rd highest, 14 the 4th, all the way down to 17 which has the lowest frequency. As each of these numbers are hit, they will be highlighted in yellow.

Counter Grid

CSGO ROULETTE - is a roulette (jackpot-lottery) in the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with bets beginning from $0.01. Gamers make bets in skins, and after a round is over, the winner is determined through the RandomOrg system, who gets all the items won. A roulette helper app for number counting. You will not need pen & paper anymore. The design and controls are kept very simple. Touch a number to count it, touch X to remove the oldest number. Flashing LED Roulette Circuit Diagram using 555 Timer & 4017 ICs. There is a casino game and a French word accompanying it called “Roulette”. This circuit resembles the functioning of a Roulette wheel game, hence the name given to it. This circuit consists of a timer IC and a special IC called CD 4017, which is a decade counter.

Except for the outer black and red tiles in the bottom row of the Counter Grid, each tile shows a count of the number of times a number, or range of numbers, has been hit.

The 2 to 1 columns and the dozen blocks also show the number of spins since the range of numbers associated with that tile were last hit. A very popular strategy for 'block' betting is based on the theory that the higher the number of spins since a particular block was hit, the more chance there is that the block will be hit. This theory doesn't hold water in real-life roulette but with online roulette it is a fair assumption due to pseudo-random number distribution factors. You can hover over a tile for a more detailed explanation for the tile caption.

The outer black and red tiles show the probability of the next number being of that colour. So, the higher the percentage, the higher the probability. Don't forget, unlike real roulette where the wheel has no memory and therefore one number has nothing to do with another, online roulette games use pseudo random number generators which have certain distribution qualities that can be relied upon.

Game History

The Game History table is a scrollable area that records each number that you click on.

Risk Level

As you track your game numbers, the inbuilt bet advisor will highlight tiles on the counter grid to indicate groups of numbers that have become ready for a bet. The higher the risk level, the more frequent these opportunities are. The lower the risk setting, the less frequent these opportunities are. Less risk means more dependable bets and cheaper recoveries.

The Stake Calculator

'calculate covering bets to the penny using the Stake Calculator'

The Stake Calculator is a great tool to help you manage your betting by calculating the stake needed to achieve a required profit taking any previous losses into consideration.

Example 1: To achieve a profit of 1 currency unit (CU) at odds of 2 to 1, your first bet would have to be 0.50 CUs. If the bet is successful, this would give a return of 1.50 CUs and the required profit of 1 CU. If, however, your first bet was unsuccessful, your second bet at the same odds would need to be 0.75 CUs. If successful, this bet would give a return of 2.25 CUs which would cover the stake of 0.50 CUs lost in the first bet plus the stake of 0.75 CUs of the second bet leaving a profit of 1 CU.

'manage your bets more effectively and achieve more profit'

Example 2: Say the 3rd 12 hasn't been hit for 5 spins so you bet 5 CUs on it and it loses. By specifying a profit required figure of 6 CUs, the calculator will tell you that you will need 3 CUs to cover your 5 CU loss and return a 1 CU profit.

The Maximum Rolling Loss amount allows you to see how many losing bets are possible with a certain bank. Due to necessary rounding, the achieved profit may actually be slightly different to the required profit.

Different roulette games have different minimum chip values. The most accurate calculations are made with a minimum chip value of 0.01 CUs. Certain values can make the profit achieved more than the figure actually required.

Experiment with the parameters of the calculator to see the possibilities.

A Simple But Effective Staking Method

'betting on dozen-blocks is a simple but effective staking method'

Betting on 'dozen-blocks' is a simple but effective staking method and is very easy to operate by using the Roulette Tracker and Stake Calculator. A dozen-block is a 2 to 1 column (1 to 34, 2 to 35 and 3 to 36), and the 1st 12, 2nd 12 and 3rd 12 blocks (1 to 12, 13 to 24 and 25 to 36, respectively). Try to use a roulette game that allows a betting denomination of 0.01 currency units (CUs) or allows 'spin-only' play, i.e. a spin can be made without any bets on the table.

1. If spin-only play IS allowed:

  1. Recording each spin with the Roulette Tracker, make spin-only plays until any of the dozen-blocks has not been hit in the last 5 spins.
  2. Place a 5 CU bet on this dozen-block.
  3. If this bet loses, use the Stake Calculator to get a list of bets required to recover the loss and make a profit. This is done by entering a profit required figure which is higher than the loss. Say 6 in this case.
  4. If the bet wins, continue to make spin-only plays until another dozen-block hasn't been hit in the last 5 spins.
  5. Repeat as above.

2. If spin-only play IS NOT allowed:

  1. Recording each spin with the Roulette Tracker, make 'minimum-bet' spins on the ODD range until a dozen-block has not been hit in the last 5 spins.
  2. Place a 5 CU bet on this dozen-block.
  3. If this bet loses, use the Stake Calculator to get a list of bets required to recover the loss and make a profit. This is done by entering a profit required figure which is higher than the loss. Say 6 in this case.
  4. If the bet wins, continue to make 'minimum-bet' spins until another dozen-block hasn't been hit in the last 5 spins.
  5. Repeat as above.

NB: With the second version of the staking method where spin-only play IS NOT allowed, you will need to use the Stake Calculator to show you the list of bets required to manage any losing minimum-bets. In this case you will need to select the 'Odd/Even (1/1)' entry from the Odds drop-down box as well as specifying the required profit.

If there is a minimum-bet loss still pending when a dozen-block is ready to bet on, just play it seperately and have 2 bets in play at the same time. Once you have recovered a loss, return to your original stake.

The 2 x 2 Staking Method

This staking method involves betting on 4 'dozen-blocks', namely the 2nd 12 block, the 3rd 12 block, the middle 2 to 1 column (2 to 35) and the 3rd 2 to 1 column (3 to 36).


Place your minimum stake on each of these blocks and, using the Stake Calculator, operate each block separately. Sometimes you will get a return on 2 blocks at the same time. Increase the stake on a block that doesn't get hit and restart the stake on a block that does get hit.

Strat Roulette Counter Strike

For example, if each of the 4 blocks has a 1 CU chip on it and the spin hits number 29, you will be paid on both the middle 2 to 1 block and the 3rd 12 block. The stakes on these 2 blocks will stay the same but the stake on the other 2 blocks will be increased according to the parameters you set on the Stake Calculator.

If the number hit was 19 then the stake on the 2nd 12 block would be left at or set to your minimum stake but the stakes on the other 3 blocks would be increased accordingly.

There are only 5 numbers on the table that don't produce a return.


The Internet offers countless Roulette strategies, tactics, and systems, either good or bad. Among them are both systems named after aristocrats or scientists (D’Alembert, Einstein’s system), and those with no more or less decent name.

Numerous scientists, cheaters, and casino players tried coming up with a system to play Roulette.

Classification of Roulette systems

We can state with assurance that the history of the game systems is as old as the history of the Roulette itself.

Almost all casino players use different strategies to play Roulette. This makes the casino game more exciting and challenging.

What Roulette strategies are there?

Of all Roulette systems, we can distinguish 3 classes:
  • ● betting systems
  • ● gaming systems
  • ● combined systems (betting and gaming)

Roulette Number Counter

Roulette betting systems

The idea of the system is to change the bet size depending on various game factors.

The most widespread and well-known Roulette betting system is the Martingale system.

The strategy’s logic is simple – if you lose playing Roulette with «equal chances», you must double your bet. Thus, in case of winning, the previous losses are played back and the amount equal to the initial bet is won.

When playing in a casino, bets in the betting system can both increase and decrease.

Most Roulette betting systems have fixed chips.

Roulette Counter App

The table limit is the major disadvantage of betting strategies that require an increase. Reaching the highest limit stops the logic of the game on these strategies.

Roulette game systems

Roulette gaming systems are based on changing the placement of bets on the playing field depending on the game situation.

A shining example of this system is one of the best and simplest Roulette systems – the Makarov (Biarritz) system.

Under this game system, the same bet is placed 36 times on the same Roulette number. In case this number falls out before 36 spins, the player wins 1:36. The sooner the number falls out, the bigger the winnings.

Depending on the Roulette game results, gaming system bets can be both fixed and changeable.

Roulette Counter

A lot of game-type strategies consist of complex algorithms and a set of rules. Not every player can play them without having some experience and training.

Combined (betting and gaming) systems

Combined Roulette systems include both elements of gaming and betting systems.

Blackjack Counter

Depending on the gaming situation, bets may increase, decrease, or change the location on the Roulette field.

Most Roulette systems belong to the class of combined (betting and gaming) systems.

Such strategies are among the most complex systems and are often not feasible without notes or special software.

How to play Roulette using the system?

The use of different tactics significantly increases the player’s chances of winning at the casino.

As with any matter, the game by systems requires certain skills and training. The Roulette game is very dynamic itself, and if there are several players or a noisy company at the table, it will be very difficult to strictly adhere to the game algorithms and the chosen strategy.

Playing at an online casino solves this issue but is devoid of all the charm and Roulette atmosphere of the «real» casino.

Some systems base their subsequent bets by analyzing the results of previous Roulette spins.

Betting strategies are considered the riskiest ones (in particular, advanced systems like Martingale with double bets), whereas gaming strategies are the safest. Thus, combined types of game strategies are in the middle and represent the best option for the game.

Winning casino game strategies

Every game of chance is subject to strict rules. Every player understands that he/she can increase the chance of winning if he/she follows a certain strategy of game behavior.

There are plenty of strategies and systems to play on the Internet. Some are free, whereas others are sold out. But none of these strategies can actually guarantee constant wins in some casino games.

Please note that among the online directories, encyclopedias, books, and tutorials for casino games, only a few strategies, according to experienced players, allow you to increase your chances of winning.

However, this raises the question of whether all these strategies, even with their real performance, can bring regular profits to the player and are a real strategy for earning money in the casino?

If the core and principles of the game were that simple, we wouldn’t just choose boring jobs, but spend all time in online casinos instead. We would just pour a cup of coffee and win every day, without trying to get a real job. Have you heard of such people?

This could only mean that there are either no winning strategies or those who have the skills just keep it secret. We do not know the truth, but the second option sounds a bit surreal. You cannot hide a cat in the bag. Someone would definitely tell relatives or friends about such strategies.

Those who comply with all game principles and following strategies/systems can win, but the chances are not so big, so they cannot count on continuous wins. Besides, the chance of winning increases due to the player’s steadfastness and inflexibility, constancy, and commitment to the chosen gaming system. Do not discard the key factor that affects the game – luck.

Win-win Roulette strategy

Roulette is one of those games of chance that cannot be won all the time. A strategy that gives the player the most playing time can be called the best one, but it still won’t be a win-win strategy.

Do not get too enthusiastic about game strategies with a great progression (sharp increase) bets. This tactic will be increasing the player’s bank, but if he or she loses, he/she will fail dramatically.

CounterRoulette Counter

And if somebody offers you to buy an exclusive, universal, and «win-win» Roulette system, remember that they are trying to deceive you.

No casino can offer a universal «win-win» Roulette system!

The best Roulette strategies:

In this section, we'll take a closer look at the best roulette strategies. Let's honestly describe all the advantages and disadvantages of gaming systems. Let's show you how you can make money in a casino using proven strategies and systems.

Martingale Roulette Strategy

Martingale strategies are the most popular gambling system. It refers to the betting systems of the game.

The essence of the strategy: after a loss, the bet is doubled.

Those. put $ 1 and lose, the next bet is $ 2; lost $ 2 - next bet is $ 4, etc.

The formula for increasing bets is $1 - $2 - $4 - $8 - $16 - $32 - $64 - $128 - $256 - $512 - $1024

Roulette system Counter d'Alembert

Blackjack Counter Software

The Counter d'Alembert system is simple and straightforward for any player. According to this system, if you lose, you need to decrease the bet by 1, and if you win, increase it by 1.

Blackjack Counter Basic Strategy

The Counter d'Alembert roulette system gives a good profit when there are several wins in a row.

Game strategy of Thomas Donald

Playing roulette according to Thomas Donald's strategy, you need to decrease the bet amount by 1 if you win and increase by 1 if you lose.

This strategy is the opposite of the Counter d'Alembert. Playing roulette using this tactic gives smooth wins and smooth losses.

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